Webinar Class: Outside the Box – 3 AcuGraph Case Studies

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What You’ll Learn: If your goal is to become an EXPERT in AcuGraph Analysis, this is the class for you! In this webinar, Dr. Kimberly Thompson teaches specifically about graph analysis, patient education, and her own unique treatment strategies. You don’t always have to treat in a black-and-white way! The truth is, there are dozens of out-of-the-box ways to treat a patient based on their graph, their chief complaint, and their own unique energetic needs.

We’ll Cover:

  • How to think “outside the box” when analyzing a graph.
  • Strategies for communicating graph findings with the patient.
  • Ways to push the envelope with creative, yet effective, treatment strategies.

If you want to add more variety to your treatments and learn about creative ways to approach difficult conditions, you’ll learn a lot from this webinar.

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