Webinar Class: 8 AcuGraph Features you Likely Aren’t Using — But Should!

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What You’ll Learn: AcuGraph Users, watch this video to discover some awesome AcuGraph features that are often overlooked! AcuGraph is a robust software and hardware system with countless benefits to practitioners and patients alike. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment with this 1 hour class on some of its lesser-known features!

We’ll Cover:

  • Internal Pathways
  • When—and why—to use the different exam types
  • Documentation Secrets: Using ALL the notes features
  • Creating custom treatments
  • Homecare: How to set it up and use it right
  • “Other” treatments: spinal, herbs, food
  • When is a split a split?
  • Use your dashboard to work smarter, not harder

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