Non-needle Acupuncture and Vibrational Therapy – 2.5 CEUs

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2.5 CEU Credits – NCCAOM, California and Florida

What You’ll Learn: In this course from our 2017 Acupuncture Technology Symposium, Dr. Kimberly Thompson teaches about non-needle acupuncture techniques that WORK, including microcurrent, light therapy, vibrational therapy and more. Non-needle techniques are an essential element of a versatile practice, and can often act as a gentle introduction to acupuncture that will set patients up to feel more comfortable with needles later on. Kimberly has a special affinity for vibrational therapy, which has helped her get great results for chronic pain and fibromyalgia patients, even when nothing else worked. If you’re interested in adding non-needle techniques to your practice, this is the course for you.

Instructions: While viewing course materials, please consider these questions:

  1. Describe in your own words why it’s important for acupuncturists to have a specialty within their scope of practice:
  2. What are some of the benefits for acupuncturists who have non-needle acupuncture techniques available in their clinic?
  3. When it comes to light therapy, what is the difference between a “whispering” and a “shouting” approach to treatment and how might each approach be used clinically?
  4. Explain the role of fascia tissue in relation to a modern explanation of TCM in relation to acupuncture channels and pathways.

When you have completed the course work, you will be required to answer these questions on the course worksheet prior to receiving your end-of-course assessment for credit.

CEU Credit Information

After you have completed all required steps, including viewing the module, completing the worksheet and submitting the quiz, we will log your information with the appropriate credit-issuing agency (NCCAOM). Once we have logged your information, NCCAOM will send you an access link via email to download your official certificate. The certificate will show the date, your name, your license number, the course name and number, and the number of credits/hours attained.

Please await receipt of your official certificate from NCCAOM. It may take 2-5 business days.

What About California Credit?

If you need California credit, our California Provider number (#1028) will also be listed on your NCCAOM certificate. Many practitioners find this is all they need to satisfy requirements.

We can create a separate California certificate if necessary. Reach out to us via for assistance. 

What About Florida Credit?

Florida credit is available for this CEU course. We will report the credits to CE broker 24-48 hours after you have passed the course quiz.

Note: Course must be completed within 1 year from day of enrollment.

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