Acupuncture Channel Theory: The Secret Sauce to Successful Treatment of “Medical Lost Causes” – 2 CEUs

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2 CEU Credits – NCCAOM, California and Florida

About Dr. Kimberly Thompson, DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Kimberly Thompson is a teacher, leader, and mentor to acupuncturists all around the world. She specializes in treating chronic, difficult-to-treat health conditions—such as fibromyalgia, failed back surgery, neurological disorders, and age related health conditions. She owns Meridian Family Acupuncture—which is located right next door to world- renowned Miridia Technology, and doubles as an acupuncture research facility. In this course, Dr. Thompson will teach you how she utilizes the power of AcuGraph to communicate with the patient, develop a treatment plan that makes sense, and achieve excellent clinical results treating what other health professionals might deem as ‘medical lost causes.’

What You’ll Learn

  • Learn how to recognize, understand and analyze difficult health conditions through digital analysis of the acupuncture pathways. 
  • Learn how to confidently utilize acupuncture channel theory to simply explain WHY other treatment modalities have not brought resolution of symptoms in the past. 
  • Gain confidence in developing a treatment plan that makes sense, for long term treatment success, even when treating difficult, hard-to-treat health conditions. 
  • Utilize the power of acupuncture channel theory to create a storehouse of wisdom which will catapult your creativity and intuition as a practitioner.
  • Practice meridian analysis for hard-to-treat medical conditions.

Consider the following while you watch:

  • Explain the role of Acupuncture Channel Theory in understanding and treating challenging medical conditions. How can this theory help practitioners address patients deemed as “Medical Lost Causes” effectively?
  • Describe the key steps involved in the consultation process outlined in the lecture. How does this initial consultation help practitioners gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition and build their confidence in committing to treatment?
  • In the lecture, Dr. Kimberly suggests starting with 10 visits for most patients. Explain the rationale behind this approach and its significance in developing a successful treatment plan. How does this strategy address both acute and chronic health conditions?

After viewing the video course, you will need to complete the essay-style worksheet test and pass the associated multiple choice quiz with at least a 70% to receive credit. 

CEU Credit Information

After you have completed all required steps, including viewing the video module, taking the essay style worksheet test, and submitting the multiple choice quiz with a passing grade, the team at Miridia Technology will log your information with the appropriate credit-issuing agency (NCCAOM). Once they have logged your information, NCCAOM will send you an access link via email to download your official certificate. The certificate will show the date, your name, your license number, the course name and number, and the number of credits/hours attained.

Please await receipt of your official certificate. It may take 2-5 business days. If you have questions or issues with this process, please contact

Note: Course must be completed within 1 year from day of enrollment.

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